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Board of Education

Welcome to the Board of Education

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WHO WISH TO SPEAK): This is the portion of the meeting when members of the public may speak to the board about matters of public concern. 

  • Getting Started:  When you have been recognized, please stand and state your name.  
  • Time Limit:  The board will generally allow a total of 30 minutes for the presentation of all public comments.  Individuals may speak only one time, and must limit comments to around 5 minutes.  If there are more than 6 individuals who wish to address the board, the 30 minutes will be divided equally between the number of speakers.   These time limits may be changed by a majority vote of the board members in attendance to extend the time for a specific item or speaker.
  • Personnel or Student Topic:  If you are planning to speak about a personnel or a student matter involving an individual, please understand that the district has a complaint policy and/or procedures to resolve such complaints and concerns.  The Board requests that you follow the policy and procedures before addressing these matters with the Board.  Board members will generally not respond to any questions you ask or comments about individual staff members or students. 
  • General Rules: This is a public meeting for the conduct of business.  Comments from the audience while others are speaking will not be tolerated.  Lewd, obscene, profane, slanderous, threatening and hostile conduct or statements and fighting words (words whose mere utterance entails a call to violence) will not be tolerated.
  • No Action by the Board:  The board will not act on any matter unless it is on the published agenda.